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A Guide to Emergency Carpet Cleaning

You’ve just installed brand new carpet in your home and you’re thrilled! You’re ready to show it off and friends and neighbors –– until the dog has an accident that leaves a large stain that’s impossible to hide. Your first instinct is probably to panic, and that’s totally understandable. However, this week’s Benjamin’s Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning blog is here to offer peace of mind with some simple tips for any carpet emergency.

Benjamin’s Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning specializes in a variety of professional cleaning services, from carpet and air duct cleaning to upholstery and tile and grout cleaning. With more than 14 years of experience in the industry, we’ve got the expertise and equipment necessary to help you keep your home clean and beautiful. Read this week’s blog post and connect with us in Denver to schedule your carpet cleaning services today!

Types of Carpet Emergencies

Before we establish some of the key tips for handling carpet emergencies, let’s first discuss the various types of carpet emergencies that may occur in your home. If you experience one of these carpet cleaning emergencies in your home, reach out to our team at Benjamin’s Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning to get help today!

  • Water Damage –– Whether it be a leak, storm, flood, or some other type of water issue, water damage in your home is always an emergency and needs to be addressed promptly.
  • Pet Stains –– Bringing a new furry friend home is exciting, until they have multiple accidents on your brand new carpet. Some accidents may be so bad that they fall under the category of an emergency, which means they need attention right away.
  • Red Wine Stains –– There’s nothing better than enjoying a libation or two after a long day of work, except for when you accidentally spill bright red wine on your new light carpet. This is definitely an emergency and must be taken care of immediately to spare your carpet.
  • Vomit –– Not only are vomit stains difficult to clean because they’re so gross, but they’re also very stubborn. However, because the acid within vomit can begin to eat away at your carpet, it’s definitely an emergency carpet cleaning situation.

What Do I Do When My Carpet Gets Stained?

Over the years, you’ve probably heard various tips for how to handle different types of carpet emergencies. However, we suggest being cautious when choosing which tips you follow, as some can make the same much worse. Below you’ll find some tips from our team of professionals.


First, we’re going to start with some things you should do when a carpet emergency occurs in your home.

Know Your Cleaning Solutions and Remedies

If you’re choosing to clean stains by yourself, be sure that you know what you’re putting on the stain ahead of time. Certain solutions can make different types of stains worse, or even permanent, so be aware of what you’re choosing.

We recommend doing your research on water-soluble and non-water-soluble stains. Use the supplies at your disposal, including hydrogen peroxide, bleach, vinegar, dishwashing detergent, etc.

Work From the Outside In

When faced with a daunting stain, our team at Benjamin’s Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning recommends working from the outside in for ultimate effectiveness. Doing so will prevent the mess from spreading and will keep the mess towards the middle.

Leave the Treatment In

After you’ve done your research and determined which type of solution to use on your particular stain, we recommend leaving the solution on the stain for approximately 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing. This will ensure ultimate effectiveness, as the chemicals will have plenty of time to break through the stain.

Be Sure to Rinse

No matter the type of stain or solution you use, you should always be sure to rinse thoroughly. If you don’t, the cleaning solution will leave sticky residues that attract dirt and debris into your carpet, making the stain much worse.

We recommend simply rinsing the solution with some clean water to remove the solvent.

Get Your Carpet Professionally Cleaned

When it comes to your carpet, you want the very best. That’s why we recommend relying on a professional for your emergency carpet cleaning needs, which will help guarantee that your stain is removed completely, leaving you with carpet that’s good as new!


Now that we’ve established some important things you should do in case of a carpet emergency, let’s talk about some definite don’ts.


When you’ve got a major carpet stain on your hands, it may be tempting to wait to begin cleaning. However, we strongly recommend you don’t. The longer a stain sits, the more it soaks into your carpet, making it more difficult to remove.

Scoop up any solids immediately and use a clean cloth to absorb any liquids.

Wipe or Scrub

It may feel like you have to work hard to remove your stain, but scrubbing and wiping can actually make it significantly worse, spreading it across your carpet. Instead, try the “blot and dry” technique, working from the outside in with clean water, and repeating the process as needed.

Overwet the Carpet

Avoid pouring a whole jug of water or cleaning solution on the stain, as the excess liquid will only be absorbed into the carpet backing, continuing to rise up to dampen the surface, even after you’ve tried to soak it all up. A wet backing can also seriously damage your carpet, leading to unpleasant sights and smells.

Air Dry

After you’ve cleaned the stain, avoid air drying it, as this can leave large, unsightly rings on your floor. Instead, cover the damp area with a clean, dry cloth and place a heavy object on top of it, allowing it to soak up as much excess moisture as possible. We recommend leaving the cloth and object in place overnight for maximum absorption.

After you’ve removed it, we recommend using a carpet brush or vacuum to fluff the carpet back to its original state.

Trust Benjamin’s Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning for Your Emergency Cleaning Needs

Your carpet deserves the very best, which is why our team at Benjamin’s Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning will take the time to provide you with reliable, high-quality emergency carpet cleaning.

When your carpet gets stained, it can be really stressful. What if you can never get rid of it and you have to buy an oddly shaped rug to cover it for the rest of time? With our services, we’ll help put these worries out of your mind.

Reach out to our team in Denver to schedule your carpet cleaning services today!

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